Girish Nivarti

Patent Scientist,

Girish Nivarti

Girish is a patent scientist with an academic background spanning applied mathematics, computational physics, and engineering. His research has focused on advancing the theory of combustion and turbulence, primarily through analytical techniques and scientific computing methods.

Prior to joining EIP, Girish was a research fellow in applied mathematics at the University of Leeds and a research associate in aerospace engineering at the University of Cambridge. At Leeds, Girish formulated a statistical theory and simulation technique for out-of-equilibrium anisotropic fluid systems. In close collaboration with the Brown Theoretical Physics Centre in Providence (USA), he authored a Julia language package applying the simulation technique to study zonal jet evolution in astrophysical turbulence.

At Cambridge, Girish developed analytical models and numerical algorithms to aid simulations of jet engine combustion. He steered a collaboration involving experimentalist groups to resolve disparities in measurements of extremely turbulent Bunsen burner flames, advancing a spectrum-based theory of turbulent flame propagation. His PhD thesis identified a mechanism of flame speed inhibition in high-intensity turbulence using Direct Numerical Simulations on the national high-performance supercomputing cluster.

Published articles

  • July 2024
    EIP Updates, No Country for New Laws (link)
  • February 2024
    EIP Updates, A Year in Patents - Part 4/4: Back to School—and Back to Exams (link)
  • January 2024
    Compare the Cloud, The Paradox of “Open-Source AI” (link)
  • September 2023
    EIP Updates, A Year in Patents - Part 3/4: The Procedures of International Patent Prosecution (link)
  • May 2023
    EIP Updates, A Year in Patents - Part 2/4: Getting to Grips with the Law (link)
  • February 2023
    EIP Updates, A Year in Patents - Part 1/4: Swapping Simulations for the Patent Profession (link)
  • July 2021
    Combustion and Flame, Three dimensional measurements of surface areas and burning velocities of turbulent spherical flames (link)
  • January 2019
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Reconciling turbulent burning velocity with flame surface area in high-intensity turbulence (link)
  • July 2016
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Direct Numerical Simulation of the bending effect in turbulent premixed flames (link)


  • 2023 — 2024
    Postgraduate Certificate in Intellectual Property Law (Distinction), Queen Mary University of London
  • 2013 — 2017
    Doctor of Philosophy, Darwin College, University of Cambridge
  • 2011 — 2013
    Master of Applied Science , University of British Columbia
  • 2007 — 2011
    Bachelor of Technology (Honours) , Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Career history

  • 2022 — Present
    Patent Scientist, EIP
  • 2019 — 2022
    Research Fellow, University of Leeds
  • 2017 — 2019
    Research Associate, University of Cambridge

Awards and recognition

  • Research Studentship Award by Cambridge Philosophical Society
  • PhD Student Award by Cambridge Society for the Application of Research

Languages spoken

  • English (Fluent)
  • Hindi (Fluent)
  • Telugu (Fluent)

Speaking engagements

  • April 2022
    International Centre for Theoretical Sciences Fluids Seminar (Bengaluru), Non-equivalence of quasilinear dynamical systems and their statistical closures
  • November 2020
    Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (Chicago), A statistical closure for Direct Statistical Simulation using Generalized Quasilinear approximation
  • April 2019
    International Conference on Numerical Combustion (Aachen), Strain rate variation at the onset of bending in premixed turbulent flame propagation
  • July 2018
    Premixed Turbulent Flames International Workshop (Dublin), Reconciling turbulent burning velocity and flame surface area in small-scale turbulence
  • July 2016
    International Symposium on Combustion (Seoul), Direct Numerical Simulation of the bending effect in turbulent premixed flames



  • AI
  • Applied maths & cryptography
  • Computer hardware
  • Software


  • Fluid mechanics
  • Robotics
  • Thermodynamics