Harry Radford

Patent Scientist, 특허 전문가

Harry Radford

Harry joined EIP as a patent scientist with an MSci in Physics from the University of Nottingham. During his time at university, he specialised in semiconductors through compulsory and optional modules, as well as through experimental projects. This included, in one experiment, assessing the optical absorption properties of a GaAs wafer over a range of incident EM wavelengths and using this to calculate a value for the GaAs band gap. In another experiment, a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) was used to image the result of molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) of boron nitride onto a graphite sample. As well as semiconductors, Harry has specialised in astrophysics, specifically exoplanet detection and extreme astrophysics.


  • 2020 — 2024
    MSci Physics, The University of Nottingham

Career history

  • 2024 — Present
    Patent Scientist, EIP