EIP named by FT as one of Europe’s Leading Patent Firms
EIP has today been ranked in a special report commissioned by the FT of Europe’s leading patent firms.The rating is the result of a joint project by the Financial Times and Statista, which conducted extensive research. A wide-ranging survey was sent to over 10,000 European patent attorneys both in law firms and working in-house as well as clients. After analysing the 2,900 recommendations received from clients and peers 160 firms are featured in the overall list.
The report covers six broad sectors: Biotechnology & Food; Chemistry & Pharmaceuticals; Electrical Engineering; IT & Software; Materials & Nanotechnology; and Mechanical Engineering.
We are delighted to be rated as gold for Electrical Engineering; IT & Software; and Mechanical engineering and bronze for Biotechnology & Food and Chemistry & Pharmaceuticals.
The full report can be viewed here.