Oliver is a Patent Scientist with a background in Physics, and has completed a PhD in the field of quantum photonics. His PhD was focussed on fibre-based single photon sources, an important resource for the emergent field of quantum technologies. An experimentalist at heart, his PhD involved the design, simulation and fabrication of hybrid photonic crystal fibres.
As a PhD student Oliver attended summer schools on quantum technologies, including a school on Quantum Information, Computing and Control organised by Imperial College London and a 10-day summer school on Experimental Quantum Computing in Benasque, Spain. Oliver has also attended national and international conferences such as IoP’s Photon conference, and has presented work at Optica’s Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science conference in Washington, D.C.
For his MPhys project, he investigated GPU-based parallelisation of the Framework Rigidity Optimised Dynamics Algorithm (FRODA) through NVIDIA’s Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) for use in photovoltaics research and implemented efficacy benchmarking tools.