EIP Around the World - Italy

To mark the festive season, we spoke to our EIP colleagues who has international background or connection and asked how they celebrate the festivity in their home countries.

Christmas in Italy by Andrew Crothers, Web Developer

Q. When is your Christmas?

Christmas is obviously a huge celebration in Italy as a Catholic country. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th December, but another important day is celebrated on 6th January (Epiphany).

Q. Are there any special Christmas dishes or food people eat?

There are many traditional foods in Italy at Christmas and each region has its own specialties. Tortellini with Capon Broth, Salsa verde with Capon, Vitello Tonnato, Insalta Russa, Torta Pasqualina, Pandoro, and Pandolce.

Q. Are there any particular traditions?

Italians like to play games at Christmas, like Bingo (Tombola) at home, but Italians like to go for a walk after eating in the early evening, many people also go to the cinema on Christmas day evening, as well.

Q. And Music?

The most well-known Christmas song is 'Tu scendi dalle stelle', sung by Pavarotti and Bocelli in recent years.

Q. Anything else?

Children receive gifts from a 'witch-like' creature called Befana on 5th January (Epiphany Eve). Good children get torrone and caramelle, but naughty children get carbone (ablack rock like sweet that resembles coal.)