EIP attend launch of London Cleantech Cluster

EIP joined more than 100 attendees at the official launch of the London Cleantech Cluster (LCC) on 18 July.

The LCC intends to coordinate programmes and support cleantech businesses across the capital and in the London region. Founding supporters include the Greater London Authority, UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association, City of London Corporation, London Accord, Cleantech Investor, Clean Capital, Wax Chandlers, London Hydrogen Partnership and University College London.

The objectives of the LCC include:

  • supporting cleantech businesses in the London region and attracting new cleantech businesses to London
  • international outreach (attracting overseas businesses to London; attracting international investment for cleantech; and supporting export initiatives by cleantech companies)
  • facilitating the deployment of sustainable solutions and markets for clean technologies across the region. 

Clive Hall, CEO of Rushlight Events who founded the LCC, said the LCC is “designed to provide the glue across the various initiatives and activities taking place across the capital in order to support cleantech businesses and speed up the adoption of sustainable solutions.

“A number of new initiatives are being developed to achieve these objectives, including the London Sustainability Network for businesses who are looking to source sustainable solutions, Just Ask service to help cleantech businesses needing advice and a Directory of organisations that are active in the sector.  LCC will be well-placed to be the central point for all sustainable activity in the region and can provide the kind of support that the Regional Development Agencies used to provide in part before they ceased operation about a year ago.

“The numbers of cleantech businesses and existing cleantech programmes demonstrate the strengths of the region and the opportunity presented by bringing them all together.  In many ways, all the ingredients for a very successful cluster already exist.  What is missing is the coordination and cooperation between the parties which can assist with the achievement of the common goals. The LCC aims to fill that gap.”