
Trademarks can be extremely valuable company assets and the importance of protecting and maximising your IP can not be underestimated. We provide high-value advice worldwide through EIP’s US office and our partnership with leading European firm Stobbs.

Collaborative protection

Registering trademarks protects and promotes goodwill and all that is desirable about a company’s products and services. It protects their distinctive nature long after patent and design rights have expired.

Our US team and Stobbs advise across the areas below:

  • Prosecution – All stages of trademarks and copyrights in the US, Europe and worldwide from clearance searches, through registration, watching and enforcement
  • Tech Transfer and Licensing – Acquisition assignment/transfer agreements and licensing of trademarks and copyrights
  • Internet law – Online rights, domain name disputes, website terms of use and privacy policies
  • Global IP strategy – Develop international brand and enforcement strategies to maximise the value of intellectual property
Together, we deliver a seamless, consolidated IP service.

About us

Our team

Registering trademarks protects and promotes goodwill and all that is desirable about a company’s products and services. It protects their distinctive nature long after patent and design rights have expired.

European Trademarks

Mark Lubbock



US Trademarks

Leigh Augustine

Of Counsel

Trademark Attorney

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