EIP host seminar on Patent Box scheme
EIP will be holding a seminar on the strategic considerations for patent holders in light of the Government’s Patent Box scheme.
Expert speakers from EIP, HM Treasury, Dyson, and PwC will explain the proposals and what they might mean to companies which hold and exploit patents.
The Patent Box is the UK Government’s scheme offering favourable corporation tax treatment on profits arising from patented products and processes. The seminar will review the draft legislation published on 6 December 2011 which, subject to a final round of consultation and further revision, will be incorporated into the Finance Bill in 2012.
Most organisations will need to review their IP strategy in view of the Patent Box proposals so as to ensure that they will be able to benefit. EIP has considerable experience in assisting businesses develop effective IP strategies.
The seminar will be held at the EIP offices in London on 21 February. Registration is from 5.30pm for a 6pm start.
Matt Lawman (Head of EIP Strategy)
Matthew Blaseby (Senior Associate, EIP)
Anna Floyer-Lea (Senior Policy Advisor, HM Treasury)
Paul Harris (Senior Tax Manager, PwC)
Marie Pearse (Head of Tax, Dyson)
Registration is free, but places are limited. If you would like to attend or require more information, email events@eip.com or your usual contact at EIP.
EIP's guidance note on the Patent Box proposals is available to download here.