EIP host seminar on Patent Term Extensions and SPCs
An EIP Life seminar on Patent Term Extensions and SPCs will look at how businesses can devise an effective strategy for Europe and the US.
EIP is pleased to welcome Thomas Haag, founding member and Chair of Fanelli Haag, who will provide an insight into patent term extensions and patent term adjustments in the United States. Andrew Sharples , partner and head of EIP Life, will talk about the strategic considerations for SPCs in Europe and how they are affected by recent European case law.
The value of patent term extensions is considerable. However, differences in approach between the US and Europe, and the on-going uncertainty in both systems means that significant thought should be given when devising a patent term extension strategy. The seminar will address the issues which need to be taken into account when seeking to maximise the extent of your protection.
The seminar takes place on 8 November 2011 from 5.30pm-8.30pm at CIPA, Chancery Lane, London. Registration is free and places are limited. If you would like to attend, email events@eip.com or your usual contact at EIP.