EIP attend launch of new cleantech cluster partnership

Representatives from EIP attended the launch of a new partnership designed to expand global opportunities for the cleantech sector.

The partnership between UK cleantech and green industry connections hub ecoConnect CIC and the Global Cleantech Cluster Association (GCCA), which represents some of the top 20 cleantech clusters around the world, was announced at The Institution of Mechanical Engineers in London on 21 March.

The partnership between ecoConnect and GCCA aims to better support UK cleantech companies by providing exposure to global investors and world markets. It plans to create London’s first business centre for UK cleantech companies seeking a presence in the capital, as well as an accelerator programme for cleantech SMEs to get their businesses ready to attract investment. Other support services will include IP protection, R&D and business strategy development.

Attorneys from EIP Green were among 200 delegates who saw keynote speaker and former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone explain the need to support those engineers and entrepreneurs who are trying to develop low carbon solutions.

EIP partner Andy Sharples said: “It was refreshing to see the level of support being generated for the growing UK cleantech sector and that partnerships such as this between ecoConnect CIC and the GCCA recognise the importance of IP protection to the strategic development of cleantech SMEs.”